Supermarket Distributors of America - Leaders in Health & Beauty Care Supplies

Bulk Vaseline Lip Distributors
New York, USA

Vaseline Lip Therapy Advanced Tube 

Wholesale Vaseline Lip Therapy

.35 oz Size

Wholesale Distributors of Vaseline Lip Products

Vaseline Lip Therapy Advanced Healing Tube


As the temperatures plummet, your lips will become dried and chapped. You need Vaseline Lip Therapy for protection. It provides a barrier to fight harsh winter weather.
You know your local drug store has purchased bulk quantities of Vaseline Advanced Lip Therapy from Supermarket Distributors of America. They purchase at wholesale prices and keep plenty in stock.

Vaseline Lip Therapy Lip Products in Bulk Quantities.
Increase your sales of Unilever Lip Products
Bulk Product Suppliers:

Wholesale lip products by Unilever
Product sold as .35 Oz

Vaseline Lip Therapy
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